f you follow this blog you know 2011 was a very tough year, so after a difficult holiday season I’m happy to say it ended with a slam dunk! We were invited to view the Times Square New Year’s Eve event from the production offices. I’ve always wondered why over a million New Yorkers squeeze in to Times Square on New Year’s Eve and freeze. Well I wonder no more. It was the most magical New Years eve in memory…It didn’t make matters worse that a couple of minutes after we arrived Luke was approached and asked if he would like to be interviewed by Jenny Mc Carthy on live TV. So we spent the evening right below Ryan Seacrest (in case you watched Dick Clark’s New Year’s eve on abc) and got to partake in what Luke calls an “epic” night.
It started with almost an hour walk through a “Christmas like” NY with several hundred thousand people…What a way to end the year!!