Hope you had a great 4th! After graduation travel to a way overcrowded Venice, it was so nice to come up north to the silence, emptiness and beautiful nature in Sweden. With all that’s going on in the world it’s so nice to have this place of solitude. We were home to celebrate Swedish Midsommar.Snapshots from “Midsommar” in Sweden
When 200 Guests Come to your House – Knock Out Abuse LA Launch
The last couple of months we’ve been going full steam ahead to launch a west coast branch to the charity my friend Cheryl and I co-founded with a 25 years ago in DC Knock Out Abuse Against Women. After many 12 hour days we finally threw our first fundraiser for Knock Out Abuse West inREAD MORE When 200 Guests Come to your House – Knock Out Abuse LA Launch →
Hello Sweden – it’s so good to see you!
This past month has been a crazy time for my family in Sweden. My father has been in and out of the hospital, my brother had a ski accident and ended up in the same hospital as my father. Then suddenly my uncle passed away and a week later my mother and niece were inREAD MORE Hello Sweden – it’s so good to see you! →
Yoga retreat in fire damaged Ojai
I don’t know about you, but with the stressful state of our country and also the worrisome issues sprouting up in Sweden I find myself sometimes reading several hours of news a day. Hours I should be working I’m instead immersing myself in politics, which of course only adds to more stress and more worry.READ MORE Yoga retreat in fire damaged Ojai →
My house tour in Malibu Westlake magazine
Unless you live in Los Angeles you’ll miss my mini home tour in Malibu Westlake magazine which is out on the newsstands now. Its always fun to see how your home looks in magazines so thought I would share a few peeks here on the blog. You can read the full interview with pictures andREAD MORE My house tour in Malibu Westlake magazine →
Unplugging Swedish style
Hope you’re having a good summer. I want to share some pictures from our trip over here. Since the house is undergoing renovations we have been out and about more than usual. I’ve unplugged not been attached to my computer instead doing a lot of this… Enjoying evening swims in pristine lakes. Biking country roads…READ MORE Unplugging Swedish style →
Has this house nightmare ever happened to you?
Just as I’m gearing up start next week with the One Room Challenge (the internet makeover sensation where 20 designers and bloggers makeover a space in 6 weeks) another emergency home makeover will be in my future. You might have seen pictures here on the blog of my old house in Sweden where we spendREAD MORE Has this house nightmare ever happened to you? →
Our California dream home realized
Have you ever had one of those “aha” moments when you realize what you conjured up in your mind suddenly has become reality? Three years ago I had this idea that we should move to LA and buy an ugly place and renovate it with loving care turning it in to something special. I hadREAD MORE Our California dream home realized →
New home for my blog
You haven’t heard from me in a while. We have been migrating my blog and website to a new platform and we’re still working out all the kinks. You should still be receiving the blog via your feeds or e-mail. If you don’t please let me know. As soon as this is up and runningREAD MORE New home for my blog →
Three furniture items I splurged on for our house
Hope you are having a good summer so far. I’m back in LA and in full swing decorating this house once and for all! To start out I finally decided on the first big furniture items for the house. I like to start with pieces that make the house functional as well as the onesREAD MORE Three furniture items I splurged on for our house →