Our home on Swedish buses!

Got some cool things to share. First up some fun news.  (I hope it’s okay I write this now a week early)  The shoot for Svenska Dagbladet, Sweden’s largest newspaper is coming out soon in the first issue of their magazine. Starting next week some pictures they took of our house, will be on the backs of Swedish buses in Stockholm for a month. Luke and I will be in Sweden over Easter, but bummer we wont be in Stockholm!! If anyone of you lives there, stay on the look out & please send me photos!!

The photographer sent me  mock up of what it will look like.


The image on the top right is my office, and the picture on the bottom bus on the left is my “Chanel hallway” with Luke’s chair. The yellow to the right is our entry stair case with my old Swedish portraits.

Some other cool stuff. One of the mirrors from LiveLikeYou is in Adore magazine. Not sure if it’s out yet either.

And also currently our cools stools on LiveLikeYou are on the Adore magazine blog.

( I want that peacock chair from Australia!)

And designer Andrea Brooks has the Emerald Regency velvet pillows from my line in her pretty home. Here is a snap shot from a shoot for At Home in Arkansas . This will also be out in a couple weeks.

And thanks to Janell for the great post on LiveLikeYou!! All of you check our her magazine House of Fifty if you haven’t already!

Last but not least talented artist Christine Matthai whose work we carry a lot of on LiveLikeYou (because I’m a big fan)  is doing a big exhibition at a gallery i Dubai. Just in case you live there!

Here are one of the images from her Pop City series.

Thanks for letting me share some fun stuff.  There’s lots more, but I’ve got to go get in the “office!”

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4 thoughts on “Our home on Swedish buses!

  1. How cool to see your house on a bus….way cool!!!! And yes, my first thought was "I want that peacock chair" too. It's gorgeous!!!! Congrats on all of your success….girl you are on a roll 🙂 xx

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