Our LA house is in a Swedish magazine and I thought I would share it with you. Journalist and photographer Stephanie Bjelkstam came to LA a while back to take pictures and to write a story about the makeover. She had read my Swedish blog for Sköna Hem and followed the story on my home“California Dreaming” – our LA House in a Magazine
Renovation Mayhem and our house in Swedish news
While the front of the house looks like a complete war zone the back of the house is a different story. The Swedish newspaper Dagens Industri was here to do a story on me and my house. Swedish photographer Anna Maria Zuellert caught this photo of the backyard…. …which is the opening of the article.READ MORE Renovation Mayhem and our house in Swedish news →
How exciting!! My bedding on ELLEN TV!
Now this is fun! I looove Ellen de Generes, and now I love her even more after catching my bedding in one of the Houzz makeovers on Ellen TV. People with bedrooms in dire need of a makeover could e-mail in to the show and Houzz would send a designer to make it over. I’mREAD MORE How exciting!! My bedding on ELLEN TV! →
My new blog for a Swedish design magazine!
Calling all Swedes! I have some exciting news. Today I started a daily design blog for the Swedish design magazine Sköna Hem. I thought it would be really fun to share my renovation diary and all cool things design here in LA with Sweden, and I’m thrilled that my favorite design magazine back home feltREAD MORE My new blog for a Swedish design magazine! →
If you are looking for some great inspirational reading this weekend pick up Susanna Salk’s new book Decorate Fearlessly. For all you “maximalists” out there every page is like a present. Whether you are a Tony Duquette fan, a Dorothy Draper addict, color lover, or simply have a love for the adventurous you will loveREAD MORE A FEARLESS READ FOR THE WEEKEND →
My Design Q & A in Coastal Living!
Hope you’re enjoying your weekend! Just wanted to quickly share this article…
Since Luke and I still feel like we’re out here in LA on vacation, it was a surreal feeling when I picked up the latest issue of Coastal Living and read “California designer Jill Sorensen…” in Santa Monica.
What perfect timing and welcome!
I’m not sure what your design reads are, but Coastal Living is one of my personal favorites. You can pick up the September issue of the magazine or read some of my design tips and (pet peeves) here.READ MORE My Design Q & A in Coastal Living! →
Catch it if you can
Happy Friday!
In case you are local, pick up an issue of Arlington Magazine. Some cool screened in porches in the summer issue. Even though half packed up, we styled our porch for the shoot.READ MORE Catch it if you can →
In line at the supermarket?
In case you’re stuck in line at Safeway this weekend — grab this magazine. A lot of my home makeovers are in it. Seeing the “before” pictures reminds me how dull and depressing our home looked. It really reminds me how much I love living with color. Here are a few pages in case youREAD MORE In line at the supermarket? →
Thank You Benjamin Moore!
I wanted to share a fun article on LiveLikeYou and my design firm in the new issue of Benjamin Moore’s online magazine Nuance. I’m a big fan of Benjamin Moore paints, and color plays a big part in my life, so it was really fun to be profiled and answer some really great design questions.READ MORE Thank You Benjamin Moore! →
This is really exciting!!
Alright completely lame blog title.
But this IS exciting, so I have to share it.
Yesterday while I was busy with my new pet project (which is something I’ll share further down this post) I got an Iphone text from Danielle at Fresh Quince.