If you are looking for eye candy stop reading right now.
However if you are looking to feel better about your home go ahead have a look at this.
Guess we are not celebrating Christmas here!
This is the kitchen halfway through the demo…
…and this is it with the dining room wall removed .
Looks like a mess but I LOVE it!
Javier said this is the point when the homeowner is really worried and freaked out, but I’m so thrilled to see how pretty and open it will be.
The only thing I stress about is that I’m an environmentalist and I’m obsessed with recycling items so all the kitchen cabinets and drawers have been saved to be used in the guesthouse.
This is the dining room and kitchen area from the terrace.
And all that’s needed bu this fireplace is a Christmas tree….
This is the former library with what will now be the double sided fireplace. Yes, I decided to keep it and go with the fireplace instead of the wine cellar bar. Removing it was more expensive than keeping it, so I decided why remove value? The pretty wine cellar doors Ive saved for other use…
And are you not jealous of my bedroom?
Javier and I are going through all the electrical so they can do all the non design work while we are in Sweden for Christmas. The entire house needs to be rewired.
Luke came over after school because he saw the video of me demoing the wall and absolutely had to do it, so Javier saved the bathroom wall for him to demo.
It is the perfect job for a 13 year old.
the above will be a big bathroom.
And I bet you wish your bathroom looked like this below…
…it will now be part of a big walk in closet.
I know its hard to but I can really see what it’s going to be.
And here is Luke’s bathroom….
This cool yellow tub will be reused in the guest house.
And this is the state of the living room today…
We didn’t expect the cement slab to start chipping as we removed the old tiles.
Today we met with the window/door guy to figure out how to move this glass door five feet to the left.
I want to see the view head on as I enter and we have decided we are adding a 0′ wide den in the end of the large living space.
Okay now that I have totally bored you with the most depressing “before” pictures ever, I promise you there will be plenty of inspiration pictures.
So much awesome design stuff out there, that I can’t wait to put in here.