Some pictures from my week on the west coast. Fall day in LA. A snapshot from our booth at West Edge Design fair in the Santa Monica airport hangar. A last minute fake prototype of the Leaf bed skirt designs that’s coming out. With Poseidon Mark carpet. Snap shot of carpet display. Beach House Maze,Pictures from my week
I love seeing people’s fantastic spaces, and even better when I find some with Jill Sorensen Bedding in it. Here are some pictures from Meg Shackleton’s apartment in San Francisco. I always love a glamorous space!
You can see the entire hour tour here.
This weeks Bedroom Design Idea – Mid Century Maven!
This look was inspired by all the beautiful mid century houses you see all around LA. Although mid century can be minimalist in feel, there is no reason to keep the design indoors that way in my opinion! Add patterns and color but stay inspired to styles from that era.
This time I paired up some of my label with West Elm, Waverly and Society Social for a somewhat cost conscious bedroom design.READ MORE BEDROOM DESIGN IDEA – MID CENTURY MAVEN →
Happy Easter everyone! Easter was my favorite holiday growing up. In Sweden we had Easter witches, bonfires and fireworks that made it such a festive holiday. (You might remember this post.) But the tiny flowers slowly budding after months of snow cover, the sun finally shining in the still chilly air might be my favoriteREAD MORE BEDROOM DESIGN IDEA – SPRING BLOOM! →
If you are looking for some great inspirational reading this weekend pick up Susanna Salk’s new book Decorate Fearlessly. For all you “maximalists” out there every page is like a present. Whether you are a Tony Duquette fan, a Dorothy Draper addict, color lover, or simply have a love for the adventurous you will loveREAD MORE A FEARLESS READ FOR THE WEEKEND →
I know all you readers on the east coast have had the longest hardest winter in years. So I thought I would cheer you up by sharing this fun, colorful home designed by Portuguese interior designer Maria Barros. It makes me smile. ENJOY! Share This:
Finally…welcome to Jill Sorensen Lifestyle!
I apologize for the silence. I had to stay off the blog to have it redesigned and moved over to new url. It was supposed to be a quick process, but everything seems to take a lot longer than you anticipate, particularly if it has anything to do with websites and programming!! Web addresses have moved and improvements are still being made so I hope all of you still get the posts. If you have any trouble, or do not receive my blog posts please e-mail me!
Anyway… I’m happy to finally introduce you to my new re-branded website(s). I heeded the advice of experts and decided to simplify my approach to my business. So now my design firm, label and site is called simply – JILL SORENSEN.(that site will go live later this week) I always used to wonder why people would lack imagination and use their own name…LOL…now I know why. The e-commerce site LiveLikeYou is now called Jill Sorensen Lifestyle and will include only my own designs.
I hope you enjoy it, sign up to the mailing list & share it with your friends!READ MORE Finally…welcome to Jill Sorensen Lifestyle! →
My first bedding is now available!!
I hope you had a good weekend. Yesterday was a sad day reliving 9/11 having been in NYC that day ten years ago. I’m looking forward to my trip this Friday and hope to visit the new moving memorial. Seeing all the footage again yesterday, makes me fall in love with NY and America allREAD MORE My first bedding is now available!! →