This is an excerptHappy Home Tour – Katie Kime’s Brilliant Home
A Beautiful fall room color scheme
Fall is here. It’s chilly and dark outside and the days are growing shorter. Finding a great color scheme for a room that feels right in all seasons can be difficult. Let alone one that appeals to both women AND men. The key is to select colors in warm and cold color tones that bothREAD MORE A Beautiful fall room color scheme →
The REVEAL!! One Room Challenge # week 7
Finally. The library is done. Down to the wire like always! Swedish photographer Anna Maria (Instagram @annamariafotograf) came here at the last minute to shoot so we could include the artwork from our charity which just arrived the night before and was the perfect missing piece for the room. If you are new to this blog…READ MORE The REVEAL!! One Room Challenge # week 7 →
My TOP 10 paint colors for the BEDROOM (that will help you sleep)
Paint colors. One of my favorite subjects. While I love bold paint colors in a home (and lots of them), in the master bedroom I prefer peaceful soothing colors as a back drop. The bedroom is your sanctuary, the space you refuel and regroup and gather strength for the following day. In the perfect bedroomREAD MORE My TOP 10 paint colors for the BEDROOM (that will help you sleep) →
One Room Challenge – Week 6 – the REVEAL!
The One Room Challenge got the best of me this time! I went completely down to the wire with wallpaper and draperies being installed the morning of the photo shoot. There were actually three photo shoots to get ready for this week so there was no time to rest. I’m writing this blog post lyingREAD MORE One Room Challenge – Week 6 – the REVEAL! →
One Room Challenge – Week 2
It’s Wednesday again and One Room Challenge time. I’m happy to have the the help of my great office manager Emily and intern Jessica to pull the makeover off in time. My work schedule is booked solid and the support is crucial. The master bedroom has a newly built deck outside the sliding doors withREAD MORE One Room Challenge – Week 2 →
I love seeing people’s fantastic spaces, and even better when I find some with Jill Sorensen Bedding in it. Here are some pictures from Meg Shackleton’s apartment in San Francisco. I always love a glamorous space!
You can see the entire hour tour here.
Happy Easter everyone! Easter was my favorite holiday growing up. In Sweden we had Easter witches, bonfires and fireworks that made it such a festive holiday. (You might remember this post.) But the tiny flowers slowly budding after months of snow cover, the sun finally shining in the still chilly air might be my favoriteREAD MORE BEDROOM DESIGN IDEA – SPRING BLOOM! →
I’ve spent the last few weeks designing a bunch of bedroom looks for Jill Sorensen Lifestyle. Easy Storyboards that mixes and matches cool products with the JS label to create fun bedrooms. I’ve had so much fun as the options are endless! Each week a new “look” will be added and I will share someREAD MORE BEDROOM DESIGN IDEA – PALM BEACH CHIC →