Name: Amanda Louise
Where do u live?
Greenville, SC
Amanda Louise, Kevin and Maisy (7 year old lab/beagle mix)
What do you do?
Interior design
Where do you drink your morning coffee?
On the sofa, with Maisy next to me soaking up all the cuddles I can get – checking mails and watching “I Love Lucy.”
How does your home make you feel?
Cozy and comfortable. We have a small condo but it’s filled with things we love that represent our personalities and it makes everything feel warm and welcoming.
What part of your home or space makes you the happiest, and why?
That’s a tough one. I love our living room because that’s where we spend the most time and where most of my art collection is displayed. But…I love our kitchen as well. Knowing this was not our forever home, we didn’t want to sink money unto a full kitchen reno so I went bold on color- my fave shade of yellow and it makes me so happy.
Not particularly just me. Although Kevin, my husband just kind of rolls with punches in design land, letting me do my thang. I’ve tried to make sure all of our spaces represent us both.
Depending on the person-some make comments about how much stuff we have, all of which I love and others comment on the coziness and personality that our little former personality-less condo lacked.
1) Buy only the stuff that you love. Don’t fill space and collect over time.
2) Embrace the colors you love and don’t be afraid.
3) Don’t be afraid to try things. Some mistakes can be expensive but so much of design is just playing around with what speaks to you the most…and there is no right answer.
Its always our favorite place to be,which I don’t think you could ask for more.
I think over all, I always come back to the simple fact pf embracing what YOU love and letting your home show your personality!