A Midsummer Night/Take 2

I’ve been having some blog issues this weekend. I wrote and put this post up Saturday night, only to find it completely gone from my blog the next morning? Then it suddenly briefly surfaced, but only on my computer. Then it disappeared again, only to briefly appear on my dad’s computer – but then it vanished again for good-I think!! So I apologize to any of you who might have read a version of this post. It’s a mystery, that I hope now is solved! I really hope it’s not Ground hog Day tomorrow morning!!

I’m coming off one of my favorite weekends of the year – the Midsummer night celebrations. This year the day kicked off with, spotting on our way to the party, for the first time in my life — an ALBINO MOOSE! (proof is at the end of this post) The night ended with a midnight drive home, past lakes with both the sun and a full moon shining bright. In short — pretty magical.

Every year everyone in the neighborhood pick flowers on their way to the party. The flowers are used to dress the Midsummer tree, which the men then raise. It would rain and the sun would shine at the same time as it often does over here.

But we lucked out with sunshine just in time. Here’s the tree in it’s glory! As soon as the tree is up the dancing and singing begins.

Three or four generations sing and dance around the tree!! It gets pretty silly…

You kind of feel like a kid again….

Sometimes you have to jump and sound like a frog….

Hannah and Maria are pretty impressive here. Pretty funny to watch adults behave like this. Here see for yourself:


(That’s my mom all the way to the right in the video) Luke is still confused about the sound of the Swedish frogs since the American ones say “Ribbit!”

You’re supposed to wear a wreath made with seven different wildflowers that you’ve picked in your hair. Then at night you’re supposed to sleep with the flowers under your pillow. You’ll then dream of the man you’re going to marry… hmm…(you can always try…it might work!)

After the dancing it’s time for dinner in my dear friend Monica’s lovely green house.

It’s become a popular night here since you don’t have to worry about the threat of rain, cold weather or mosquitoes. Here we have dinner in the heat under some grape wines….and feel really clever.

While the adults get dinner ready the kids pick wild strawberries….

…that they put on a straws.

A bunch of grills are set up outside and a big “cook-off” begins!

This is Luke’s summer camp soccer coaches waiting to eat. Twins Elin and Hanna.

I love dinners where the guests are ages 3 to 85!! Makes for the best parties. Of course no Midsummer nights dinner (or Swedish party) is complete without lots of toasts! Which of course means….yes you guessed it…MORE singing! I can’t translate the following footage, but basically it’s about drinking… a LOT! Think you’ll get the idea…



P.S. This is the albino moose! It’s as elusive as this blog post.

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2 thoughts on “A Midsummer Night/Take 2

  1. haha great post! love the videos! How fun to see how you celebrated it on your end! 🙂 Looked like a DREAM! A midsummer nights dream…

  2. Looks wonderful! Beautiful country and it's nice to see there is still some old world tradition. Wish I could have been there!

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