Moving to LA was one of the most difficult decisions I ever made. I had to take Luke out of school, turn down tons of work, sell our house and things, and start a brand new life on the other side of the country. It was a gamble. After 6 months…would we love it or would we hate it?
I can safely say it’s the best adult decision I ever made! If you are sitting somewhere reading this and feeling unhappy about your life and where you are living, don’t be afraid to make a change. Moving and starting over has inspired me to be completely true to myself, as a human being, a mom, and with the direction of my business. I didn’t want to make the huge change of moving and then not commit all the way in all areas of my life. So still working hard on creating just the life I want. I have a gratitude app on my Iphone ( highly recommend it) and first on my list most days is definitely our sweet new life here. It has such beautiful simplicity.
In the mornings and evenings I either take bike or walk the dogs…Our sweet life in LA