I hope you had a good week. We are enjoying every minute over here and are not ready to leave. Here are some pictures from our week. Amusing art from lots of vintage shopping. Monogram carpet-Lavender. The old stone bridge in the town I grew up in close by Karlstad. The main who built thisINSIDE MY WEEK IN – BEAUTIFUL SWEDEN
New Year – New Beginnings
Happy New Year!
I hope all of you have the best 2014 imaginable. It’s always nice to turn a corner and get a fresh new start on January 1st.
Kind of a clean slate.
Today is the perfect day to Thank You for checking in and reading this blog. You are awesome. I love all the e-mails I have received from you and your uplifting interesting comments. My plan for 2014 is to create a more fun, interactive experience that can be helpful in your life, not just design. If you have never commented or written before I hope you do so in 2014. I always love to hear about your life, questions or things you would like me to write about.
Anyway – hope your holiday week was great. Here are some pictures from mine.READ MORE New Year – New Beginnings →
Inside my week
Are you finally relaxing and enjoying the holidays?
Or are you running around doing last minute Christmas shopping and stressing about your to-do-list?
The weeks leading up to the holidays just seem to get busier and busier. I didn’t really even realize it was December! The news were filled with the sad shooting, there was no time to do a holiday card or buy presents for everyone I wanted to, nor did I have any free time to go to any parties.READ MORE Inside my week →
Praise for the House hugger
My dear brother Peter has worked tirelessly for years with his organization Operation Karlstad. He has spent endless hours blogging, writing newspapers, calling people who didn’t want to take his call, doing research no one else cared to do, urging people to fight for the protection of old, beautiful, historical buildings, and to save themREAD MORE Praise for the House hugger →