How fun it was to open up Domino Magazine’s e-mail only to find our Black Key shams in a hip bedroom designed by one of the Homepolish designers. Two of my favorite things in one room. The Martinique banana leaf wallpaper mixed with Black Key bedding! How cool is this? Share This:
My dear friend Julie is sending her daughter Emily off to boarding school next week. Knowing the stress and worry she is going through to prepare for it, I wanted to create some chic & inexpensive dorm room ideas that might make the planning for some parents out there easier. (I of course could not resist but to mix our bedding…Make sure you’re signed up to our mailing list to get the 20% off BACK TO SCHOOL discount code this week.0
A dorm room big on style, with a cheerful color scheme might make living at school the best year yet! READ MORE DORM ROOMS THAT WON'T MAKE YOU HOMESICK →
I love seeing people’s fantastic spaces, and even better when I find some with Jill Sorensen Bedding in it. Here are some pictures from Meg Shackleton’s apartment in San Francisco. I always love a glamorous space!
You can see the entire hour tour here.
Happy Easter everyone! Easter was my favorite holiday growing up. In Sweden we had Easter witches, bonfires and fireworks that made it such a festive holiday. (You might remember this post.) But the tiny flowers slowly budding after months of snow cover, the sun finally shining in the still chilly air might be my favoriteREAD MORE BEDROOM DESIGN IDEA – SPRING BLOOM! →
I’ve spent the last few weeks designing a bunch of bedroom looks for Jill Sorensen Lifestyle. Easy Storyboards that mixes and matches cool products with the JS label to create fun bedrooms. I’ve had so much fun as the options are endless! Each week a new “look” will be added and I will share someREAD MORE BEDROOM DESIGN IDEA – PALM BEACH CHIC →
Bestsellers & sneak peek…
2011 is coming to and end. It’s crazy how fast a year flies by these days. My uncle was right, the older you get the faster time goes…Looking back it’s been a year of change. LiveLikeYou got up and running after endless planning. And of course as you make a plan, it’s funny how it always changes and things come around unexpectedly. As I was designing rooms for LLY and seeing what was available online, something I really desired was missing. Simple, graphic bedding – black or colorful for a decent price. I’m so glad I created it – The KEY BEDDING has been our biggest seller on the site! I guess a lot of people felt it was missing. I have two new bedding designs coming out in even more colors, and as soon as talented photographer Tanya Mallott takes her fab pictures after the New Year they will be available online. Sharing an Iphone sneak peek further down…
Here are some 2011 best sellers:READ MORE Bestsellers & sneak peek… →