You who have followed this blog for a long time all know my love of color. I get asked a lot – what is the reason for all this color? What triggered all this color? Funny enough I never really think of our home as so colorful until I look at pictures of it. Our house used to be filled with muted natural hues. But your home morphs with you as you go through different stages in life, and in our case we’ve gone through some difficult times and our home had to help us out, in the best way a home can…For the last 2 1/2 years Luke’s father has been battling terminal cancer and Luke in particular has had to deal with more emotional pain than children his age should ever have to go through. So our home morphed to a colorful haven, in an effort to help out.
Do you think your home can really help you?
Here is an example of just how it morphed in the bedroom. These are the colors now..Do you think your home can help you?