KEA- you love it you hate it.
In the picture below I’m standing outside one of the first giant IKEA stores ever to open. We had it in Sweden W-A-Y before it ever opened up over here. W-A-Y before it was cool. I was considered bad quality years ago, and most people were a little embarrassed shopping there.
But boy has that changed!
Somehow there’s just always something you need to pick up at IKEA. Unfortunately as soon as I enter that maze, I feel really disoriented, forget what I came for, feel an excessive need to buy all kinds of things I don’t need, then exhausted, I give up finding what I came there for, and head for the meatballs.
IT HAPPENS E-V-E-R-Y T-I-M-E I GO! For years!!Do you have a frustrating IKEA story?