I think I underestimated the amount of time it takes to write a daily design blog in Swedish, while renovating a house on top of my regular work, so I apologize for the silence. But I’m getting the hang of it now.
Renovating is staying on top of a million details and making a crazy amount design decisions. Javier my contractor and I fortunately work really well together and handle things as they come up.
There’s been a bunch of updates on the house…
My favorite being the laundry room and hallway tile that was put down today.
You can lay them in a whole bunch of patterns but I love this way. They are from Cement tile company.
I just love the slight ethnic yet modern vibe.
This cute man in the beret owns the cabinet company making our kitchen cabinets.
Can’t wait!
The kitchen is now one big open space.
The dry wall has gone up in most places.
Here Javier and I are working on the stacked mantle design for the now double sided fireplace.
Drywall is up in most places.
I looked a tons of quarzite stone slabs for the kitchen island. I want just the right pattern on it and I’m being very picky in my search.
Tomorrow this grey and white tile is going in the guest bathroom.
Can’t wait to show you more as this house is slowly coming together!