In line at the supermarket?

In case you’re stuck in line at Safeway this weekend — grab this magazine.

A lot of my home makeovers are in it.

Seeing the “before” pictures reminds me how dull and depressing our home looked.  It really reminds me how much I love living with color.

Here are a few pages in case you miss the real thing…

Better Homes and Garden’s new publication.

Yes my living room looked like that. Hard to believe! In case you read the text, no, I never had a corporate job (but I probably would have  quit it.) . But the colorful makeover was started to cheer Luke up when his dad got brain cancer.

So glad we did it.

Some living room “before pics”

The funny thing is Dan and Luke fought me all the way, asking me not to change the house.

Only to 100% agree with me now!

Luke’s chair was put in the hallway for shoot.

Omar you made the magazine spread!!!

The advice above I stand by fully. It’s an absolute MUST to start there when attempting to do you house.

Thank You to Better Homes and Garden, writer Jennifer for sharing my tips in such a fun way, and lovely Bonnie and Gordon.

Oh, and my name is Sorensen with an “e”! Oh well.

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5 thoughts on “In line at the supermarket?

  1. wow… I could have never imagined that "before' was ever your living room! Great feature!!! I can't believe how many details about you they fudged, though… that's really crazy. This article is going to inspire so many people, so I guess it's the overall result that really matters 🙂

  2. Yeah Jillson (or should it be Jillsen (:!) !!! Proud of you!!!! Will absolutely tell everyone in line w. me – "Look, I know this talented gal"!

    And yes to following your heart!

    Will be checking in next week.



  3. Hi Jill….So happy to finally see your house in the magazine!!! Was that already last summer that we shot
    your home!! Anyway, you and your family (doggies and kitty included) are beautiful and so much fun to
    work with. Thanks for putting up with us for so many days. Love to you all. Bonnie

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