Getting ready for the Westedge Design Fair

Hope you had a good weekend!

This week we’re participating in the Westedge Design fair, a big design event here in LA that takes place at the Santa Monica Airport hangar. If you are in Los Angeles Thursday through Sunday this week come on by! You can e-mail Mehreen at [email protected] and she’ll send you a link to get free tickets. Would love to meet you!

I have never designed a booth and a pop up store, so hoping it will turn out okay! Honestly a bit nervous about it. This event is filled with sleek, cool, modern brands, so I was a little worried how all our color would be received, but decided instead of toning it down, go all the way.

We figured it hopefully will put a smile on someones face. Decorating after all should not be a serious affair, it should be fun!

Also in honor of all this we are hosting a MAJOR SALE for a LIMITED TIME on the Jill Sorensen Lifestyle.

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I designed a new headboard that will be part of it, FLORENCE in a turquoise chenille velvet.

A very old Hollywood vibe.

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Only have snap shots. But hope you can see.

I checked on the signage, it will go above the bed.


Can’t wait to see.

The walls will be a purple/lavender. I hope the hue will look right with the lighting in there which I have yet to see.


And the floors will be covered in our new ALOE MARK cotton carpet.


Lots of colors.

And of course all of our bedding designs will be there.

Jill Sorensen Lifestyle- Purple rain Deco bedding

We’ll probably use the Purple Rain Deco bedding

This is the website for the event.

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I hope to meet some of you this week!

I’m happy that we finally have a place where people can come and see and feel the products in person.

They kind of do make you feel like decorating is fun.



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