Do you think your home can help you?

You who have followed this blog for a long time all know my love of color.  I get asked a lot – what is the reason for all this color? What triggered all this color?  Funny enough I never really think of our home as so colorful until I look at pictures of it. Our house used to be filled with muted natural hues. But your home morphs with you as you go through different stages in life, and in our case we’ve gone through some difficult times and our home had to help us out, in the best way a home can…For the last 2 1/2 years Luke’s father has been battling terminal cancer and Luke in particular has had to deal with more emotional pain than children his age should ever have to go through.  So our home morphed to a colorful haven, in an effort to help out.

Do you think your home can really help you?

Here is an example of just how it morphed in the bedroom. These are the colors now..

All images Tanya Malott

This is what the bedroom used to look like…

All muted colors.

The bedroom is on the main floor and used as TV room and a place to hang out, so it had to be incorporated in the all over happy design scheme.

It’s a really happy space now.

Just seeing the happy orange Marmalade Design  THE PAGODA headboard and spunky my Marmalade Design KEY BEDDING makes us smile.

It definitely changes the way you feel.

This is the Euro shams in THE KEY bedding. The bedding will soon be on the site and will be available in navy, black and turquoise as well.  ( A lot of you asked… it is available to order by e-mailing me at [email protected].)

The desk you’ve seen before…

It used to look like this in the store I bought it..

It was headed for the trash but instead triggered the happy color scheme.

Definitely the orange version of the desk is a better version. The white greyhound is standing guard.

The fireplace wall used to look like this….

All neutral…

Now it looks like this…

Definitely a much happier spot!

The bedside tables are my own custom vintage.

You can see before and after here.

The last part of the happy puzzle was adding tiny Bubba to our home. He makes Luke laugh every day.

So as you can see our home morphed from neutral to technicolor. Life doesn’t always turn out the way we hoped for, or the way we dream of. But what we all can do is have gratitude for every beautiful day, and make the best out of circumstances handed to us.

And I strongly believe out homes and interiors can really help out.

What do you think?

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18 thoughts on “Do you think your home can help you?

  1. I couldn't agree more! I am so sorry to hear about Luke's Dad. He is lucky to have such a great mom to help him through such a difficult time at such a young age.

  2. Jill, I'm so sorry to hear about Luke's dad. What an extraordinary mother *and* designer you are. I truly believe that interior design is all about people, their emotions and their lives. So yes, yes I do believe a home that is beautiful and fit for you can help in rough times. xo

  3. Jill, I so agree with what you are saying. I use to tell my clients I go home to the home that makes me smie and I want to leave you with a home that will make you smile. I literally take a deep breath when I enter my doors. I also find that my guest always comment on how relaxed a peaceful my home feels and they just want to stay and take a nap. I use to laugh and say am I that boring. I even had my hubby buy a carbon monoxide monitor because my house seems to make people sleepy. I am not sure if that is good or bad but at least they relax and so do I!! xo Kathysue
    PS so sorry about Lukes Dad and I love all the happy colors in your home. I also love that you do with abandon!!Love that about YOU.

  4. Just looking at pictures of your home makes me happy, I can't imagine how I'd feel if I got to actually live (or visit) there! That is just awful about Luke's dad, cancer is a hideous disease…and so sad for a boy his age. he is blessed to have you and your cheerful way of living life!

  5. I think a home has a huge affect on a person's well-being. When you're facing tough times there's nothing better than looking forward to going home and Luke and his father are lucky that you recognize that. Please don't change your fearless use of color– it's been a great inspiration for me!

  6. Jill, I love your house. You just can't help but smile when you come home and look at all the beautiful colors in your rooms. My bf painted the walls in our home yellow w/blue ceilings and our sunroom is turquoise, similar to the color you painted one of your rooms. We're still working on the rooms but I've added a few colorful pillows and some red accents. Thanks for showing another design style. I was getting tired of looking at beige, white and gray walls. Viva color!

  7. I love the changes in your home. So happy and bright. I know when my home is torn apart it does effect me. I am redoing my living room and cant wait until it is done! Sorry about Luke's Dad.

  8. Aw, great article. I love the changes and explosions of color! I think it can certainly "help you." I'm sorry to hear about Luke's dad – I went through the same with my father at a young age, with even younger siblings.

  9. Jill, you bring so much loveliness and good energy to your own home, to customers homes and to your loyal readers. You are very inspirational. I adore everything you do.

    Extra warm thoughts to Luke and his Dad.

    Warm hugs,


  10. Jill, I think everyone must have been looking into your life like it's perfect- little did they know? But, you are a STRONG woman, and you have been a pillar of strength for Luke. I'm very PROUD of you for kickin' it into high gear (during such a dark time) and developing this whole new amazing world of Live.Like.You! That's just like you turning lemons into lemonade. I know that Luke's dad is very proud of you! And, Daniel too! If it help's clear things up for your reader's (you can post this if you chose?) Daniel is your fiance' (is it official?), and Luke dad's is your former husband. And, knowing both of them- I can say without a doubt, they are two of the FINEST people I've met! Seriously, they ARE that great!!! So, I can easily say- YOU not only have great taste in decor, but also in people! I'm really glad you've made your house a happy home! Color DOES help! with love, Julie

  11. Totally agree – not only should your home reflect you but should help you in your everyday life – to bring joy and comfort. I'm so sorry to hear about Luke's father. You are clearly doing your best to make your home a place of strength and positive energy!

  12. Dear Jill,
    I really enjoy your blogposts. This one in particular, really hit a cord in me. I have a bland bedroom, which I plan to redecorate with a blast of color. I agree you interiors affect the way you feel and think, and alot of money does not need to be spent to achieve a harmonious interior. I am sad to hear that Luke's father is ill, I really hope his environment will help in this dire time.Your home is really beautiful and inspiration. All the best to you and your family.
    Regina Snyders

  13. Jill, what a beautiful way to look at life! I couldn't agree with you more. I'm so sorry to hear about Luke's father but you've made your home a place where the sun always shines no matter how many clouds are hanging over it. And through these pictures and your positive energy you've brought a little sunshine into our lives as well.

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