There are times you feel really frustrated by the fact that you can’t have 110 images in one blog post. Right now is one of those moments. Last week I drove with Dan up the California coast. Although our top destination was Carmel and Big Sur a miracle moment came when The Madonna Inn appearedTHE KITSCHIEST HOTEL EVER!
It’s a big week, Luke has become a teenager. It’s hard for me to grasp! But to celebrate Luke, Dan and I have been visiting with some friends in the Bahamas, and heading to Miami later today for a few more days of spring break. I wanted to share some pictures of this brand newREAD MORE A DR SEUSS LIKE RESORT →
Inside my (whirlwind) Week
I have to admit – I kind of feel like I’m cheating because our lifestyle here is so easy. No siting in rush hour traffic, no clearing ice off the windshield, or freezing our butts off in the morning driving Luke to school. Instead we play a game of ping pong in the sun, beforeREAD MORE Inside my (whirlwind) Week →
Elvis Honeymoon House
Hope you had a great Labor Day weekend!
In my eagerness to discover all the great environments and architecture around here, we took off for an overnight trip to Palm Springs. I had only flown in there briefly in my twenties so it was really exciting to drive from LA and see the country change in to desert and mountain walls.
An ad in a hotel magazine spiked my interest in what was called the Elvis honeymoon house. It was a super cool retro house Elvis had lived in during his first year of marriage. Elvis fan or not, who can resist a tour guided by an Elvis, Priscilla or a Liberace lookalike?
When we found the house nestled at the base of the dramatic San Jacinto mountains we could see why in the 60’s they appropriately named it “The House of Tomorrow”.READ MORE Elvis Honeymoon House →
Ten days in the islands
I’m back!
I’m sorry for the lack of posting for almost two weeks. We left with some friends to stay in a rented house in the Virgin Islands before Thanksgiving only to find out when we got there (although advertised) there was no internet. Serious grrrr… And the last few days of the vacation we spent on a boat outside the island of Canoan and Mustique in the Grenadines. Our travel started out by getting denied boarding at Dulles Airport due to overbooking, which set us back a day (which was fine with us since the airline had to pay a big penalty) but we also had a couple of delays getting back. And of course more drama my back snapped and I was bedridden for a couple of days. But before I get back to the design posts and cold temperatures here I just have to share some pictures from our trip.READ MORE Ten days in the islands →
The Glorious California coast
After dropping Luke at his first ever sleep away camp at Lake Arrowhead, Dan and I decided to drive Highway 1 up along the jagged California Coast. I’m not big on sharing nature scenery snap shots, but this time, I’m sorry, I can’t help myself.
If you haven’t been to this part of the world, schedule a trip NOW!
Here are some great spots, tips and places to visit on this magical mystery tour…READ MORE The Glorious California coast →
A stay at Kragga Mansion
Our trip to Sweden sadly came to an end this week. But instead of opting for a sad goodbye and stay in a depressing airport hotel, we decided on another adventure. To break up the four hour drive to the airport in Stockholm my friend Monica, Luke and I stayed overnight at Kragga Mansion, anotherREAD MORE A stay at Kragga Mansion →
An artist's tropical dream home
I’m back. Well this trip did not turn out the way we had expected. We had NO IDEA that there was a huge DJ festival in all of Miami, and that one of the biggest DJ concerts would take place at our hotel pool for FOUR DAYS!! After only two days of peace, the hotelREAD MORE An artist's tropical dream home →
Would you swim here???
We’re back, we’re tired, but refreshed. Sometimes the most fun things are not preplanned….Well what better way to get over a hard time than doing something difficult….like swimming with sharks? Or feed swimming pigs? Huh? I have an annoying fear of deep water from watching JAWS at the wrong age. I started surfing to getREAD MORE Would you swim here??? →
Roadtrip via Iphone.
Life is short. We often forget it. We’re too tired, we’re too busy, we’re trying to getting everything on our to do list done, too much work, too little time…so we don’t do the things we really would like to do. There are weekend soccer games, responsibilities around the house, deadlines at work…really always something that has to be done. I’ve made a commitment to myself to have more fun, not be workaholic, and to participate in life more! So this weekend when Luke had four days off, we took to the road….READ MORE Roadtrip via Iphone. →