Sometimes there are weeks that put you over the edge… ..,and we have yet another one to come. WARNING:Blue men in shirts are everywhere. Our office and home is being moved out… …our belongings are now on a truck half way across the states. Thank God for a glass of wine and my brother andMAYHEM.
Inside my Week – beautiful Sweden
I hope you have all had a good holiday, or perhaps still have a good holiday. Every summer we go home to Sweden and work from over here for a few weeks.
Don’t you love the internet so you can almost work from anywhere?
The beauty of this country borders almost on ridiculous sometimes. Here are some instagram pictures (JILLHSORENSEN@INSTAGRAM) , not that Sweden needs pretty photo filters! READ MORE Inside my Week – beautiful Sweden →
Inside my week
Here’s peak at a week of design.
You can follow my day to day stuff on instagram– JILLHSORENSEN@INSTAGRAM.
Today we were doing this…READ MORE Inside my week →
Inside my week
Here are some pictures inside my last week via Instagram(@jillhsorensen.) I’m posting pictures there daily so I will always remember this crazy period of change! Cherry blossoms by our entrance in full bloom! Not sure if spring is inspiring me, but the new line of pillows, carpets and draperies I’m coming out with are allREAD MORE Inside my week →
GOODBYE dear old House.
Some years ago (too many!) I got married and moved down to DC. I was working as a model in NYC so we hired a designer to renovate an old home we bought. Except…within a month I found myself doing a lot of the work, and was quickly offered a job by the designer we’d hired. To make a long, complicated story short – I ended up designing this big, old Virginia home on my own, having no previous experience. Instead of relaxing on our honeymoon I obsessively read a book on how to start a design business. And Marmalade Interiors was born.
Fast forward a bunch of years. Luke was born, we divorced, I moved out, but we lived a few minutes apart. Sadly last Christmas Luke’s dad passed away from brain cancer (some of you might have read it). After sitting empty for a year – tomorrow this pretty old house will have a new owner. They will move in to the house just the way I designed it years ago.READ MORE GOODBYE dear old House. →
Inside my week
Hope you had a great long weekend! Sharing some pictures and instagrams from my week. Taking inventory pictures at home. Trying to get everything organized. Highly recommend keeping a book of pictures of all your house items with receipts of each purchase, it will make life so easy if you ever move or make changesREAD MORE Inside my week →
Inside my week
January…perhaps not my favorite time of the year. Cold, dark days, and is there anyone out there not sick???
Here are some snapshots from my week.
I get out the door 7.10am every morning – outside my door I see this… READ MORE Inside my week →
Instagram addiction
I had the instagram app on my phone for months and ignored it. I didn’t quite understand why people cared about some photo filters. But when my friends Erica and Casey shared how obsessed they were, I of course had to try it.
I just got started this week and I’m hooked. Photo filters are cool.
Luke and I are on a quick trip to LA for some meetings (more on that later) and we want to instagram everything!!
Are you on? Here’s my link: MORE Instagram addiction →
Inside my week
Are you finally relaxing and enjoying the holidays?
Or are you running around doing last minute Christmas shopping and stressing about your to-do-list?
The weeks leading up to the holidays just seem to get busier and busier. I didn’t really even realize it was December! The news were filled with the sad shooting, there was no time to do a holiday card or buy presents for everyone I wanted to, nor did I have any free time to go to any parties.READ MORE Inside my week →
The extraordinary world of event design!
Event design. It blows my mind. In one night alone an event designer turns a hotel room in to a whole new experience. Those of you who are new to reading this blog, my other passion is helping victims of domestic violence. 19 years ago I co-founded with my friend Cheryl Masri Knock Out AbuseREAD MORE The extraordinary world of event design! →