10 things I love about my bedroom

My first guest in this series is my stylish friend Kate, age 6, from New York city. Kate has a really sweet bedroom at her family’s house on Shelter Island. Our childhood bedrooms usually leave a lasting impression on us, it’s something we remember and carry with us for the rest of our lives. Most of us can still remember the color of the walls, the furniture and what pictures hung in the room. So I was very happy when Kate wanted to participate and share what she loves about her bedroom. (Her mom took some Iphone snapshot over the weekend.)

1. My sheets – I like the color cause it’s like a zebra, but pink.
(source: Pottery barn)

2. My pink rug cause I play hopscotch on it with my cousin Valerie.

(source: Ikea)

3. The angel picture my grandma gave me. Grandma said it was me and my brother Kieran.

4. That I have two beds cause when I have friends over they can sleep in the other one.

(source:Bed design Libby Langdon, manufactured by Artistic Quilting)

5. My vanity cause I can comb my hair.

(source:French Antique)

6. My furry rugs.

(source: Costco)

7. The tire swing outside my window!

8. My dress jewelry hanger so I can see the jewelry my aunt Nancy gives me.

9. The color of my room

(The paint jar had paint covering the name of the color…oh, well it’s the faintest pink)

10. That I don’t have to share with my little brother like we do in New York city.

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7 thoughts on “10 things I love about my bedroom

  1. I have been a lucky over- night guest in Kate's magical bedroom… laying in one of her pink cozy beds reading good-night stories… one of my most memorable experiences. I hope to be invited back by you darling Kate.

  2. Kate is one lucky girl! And she has 2 beds – to make sure that her guests are treated royally! Don't dare to show my own 6 year old, Elsa. She would want that exact same room!

    Sorry, I have been such a lazy blog friend. You will see more of me!



  3. What a lovely bedroom to remember and dream about in years to come. I too had the same print framed for Virginia and Lewis in the room they stayed in when visiting in Bridgewater. Hopefully, the same Guardian Angel is still with them. Kate is a fortunate young lady!

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